
Friday, 9 May 2014

Multiples of 3

Screenshot 2014-05-06 at 9.33.29 AM.png
Walt: Revise multiplication.

I have been learning to revise my multiplication. I had to hit all the cars that were multiples of 3. I have to multiply a number with three to get a number on the car. I got up to level 9. It was very easy because I knew my multiplication from 1 to 12. Next I want to learn more on algebra.


Anonymous said...

Hi shanelle
I really like your story about mouthguards. Do you think the rugby players will be comfortable wearing a mouthguard?

Anonymous said...

Hi Shanelle
Well done on knowing all your times tables and reaching a high level on your maths game and try not forget your times tables because it very important for your maths. For me I know all my times tables too but i need to work it a little to know them very well. For your game was their any questions that you got stuck on ?

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