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Tooth Traditions
All around the world, there are tooth traditions. Adults and children are very excited to do something with their first tooth when they come out. So instead of putting teeth under your pillow, see what happens all around the world.
Parents of children, believe that their child’s first tooth to fall out, are a part of their child’s future. If they want their child to become a great rugby player, then they will bury their child’s tooth on a rugby field. If they want their child to become a teacher, then they will bury their child’s tooth by a school.
If they are a boy then they hold eight stones and they hold their tooth. If they are a girl, then they hold six stones and they hold their tooth. Then they close their eyes, say their name and then count to the number in their fists. Then they ask for their tooth back and then they throw everything in their fists away and then they run as fast as they can.
When their tooth comes out, then they throw it on the roof of their house. If they throw their teeth straight, then their teeth will grow back straight. If they throw it crooked, then their teeth will grow back crooked.
Children in Brazil throw their tooth outside and ask the birds for a new tooth. The bird will only take the tooth if nothing has ever happened to it. Children also throw their tooth out of their window and ask St John to give them another healthy tooth.
Children in Greece throw their tooth up on their roof for good luck. After they throw their tooth on the roof, they make a wish. They wish for healthy adult teeth.
Jamaican children believe that when their tooth falls out, then a calf will come and take their tooth and them away. To keep the calf away, the children put their tooth in a tin can and shake it so hard so that it scares the calf away.
Those are my six tooth traditions from all around the world. There are also other tooth traditions. These are very unique in their own way. What is your tooth tradition?
Kia Ora Shanelle
Your dazzling story was highly eye-opening. I have learnt new tooth traditions from your incredible story. I spotted a few mistakes and I think you should go back and fix them up. Why did you decide to nominate these particular countries? Keep up the good work Shanelle. =^_^=
Hey Shanelle,
I loved how you have matched pictures with your magnificent blog post. I have learn't a lot in just a small matter of time from your hard work. In Afghanistan, Children throw their teeth in a mouse or rat hole. They do this because they want the rodent to give them a nice, strong tooth just like the ones they have! What do Children in Cook Island do when their first tooth comes out? Keep Blogging!
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